Repeat Prescriptions
Please do not come into the surgery with your repeat medication requests, please put them in the post box on the front metal gate, e-mail your requests or sign-up to online services. For online services you will need to complete the appropriate form, which is available from reception and bring in proof of ID. Only patients over the age of 18 will be registered for online services.
Please contact your chemist directly to see whether your medication is ready to collect and not the surgery. We need to keep our phones as free as possible for patients that need to speak to a Doctor.
From 1 January 2020 as per our "latest news" information page all patients will be required to order their medication directly from the practice and not via the chemists. This has been requested by Mid Essex CCG to support the reduction in medication waste. Your prescription will still be sent directly to your nominated chemists for dispensing.
If you are housebound or a vulnerable patient the practice will support you ordering your repeat prescriptions via our script clerk or our reception team.
You must allow 4 complete working days for us to process your prescription as follows if you order:
Monday ready Friday
Tuesday ready Monday
Wednesday ready Tuesday
Thursday ready Wednesday
Friday ready Thursday
Please do not call to chase or come to collect your prescription before the 4 days has elapsed as your prescription will not be ready.
Please Note: Prescriptions - our script clerk will be able to take telephone queries or telephone orders for those agreed by Doctors during the hours of 10am - 12pm on Monday and Tuesday for Wednesday and Friday it will be 10am - 12pm and 4pm - 5pm. If you are calling outside these time please call back as our receptionist/administration or secretaries will be unable to support your queries or orders.
You can request a repeat prescription by:
- Hand delivery
- Telephone requests only for housebound patients.
- Online which also gives the benefit of booking appointments on line.
- e-mail via
Chemists are fully aware of these changes and will be sign posting patients to drop their repeat slips off at the practice, e-mail, use the on-line service or post to the practice usual address
If you supply a stamped addressed envelope with your request, we will post your prescription back to you if you have not nominated a chemist of choice to dispense your prescription.