Non-Attendance of Appointments at Blyth's Meadow Surgery
There are increasing pressures upon all doctors and nurses to reduce waiting times and increase patient access.
Sadly the practice continues to experience missed appointments by patients who did not attend their booked appointments. Are you aware that for every missed appointment this could have been offered to another patient and will cost the NHS around £100.00 per appointment. If you are unable to make your appointment please cancel at the earliest opportunity. Patient to continue to DNA their appointments may well be removed from the practice list.
To cancel you appointment please call
01376 552508
- If you fail to attend your appointment without informing us we will contact you on each occasion and record this in you medical record.
- If you fail to attend 3 appointments in a 12 month period without a valid reason, you may be removed from the practice list and asked to find an alternative GP.
Our full DNA Policy can be viewed here.