If you would like to register to join Blyths Meadow Surgery and are within our catchment area, please click on the link https://gp-registration.nhs.uk/F81683 or visit the practice and pick up a registration form called an GMS1 form and associated paperwork to complete your registration. Alternatively you can download the form here . This form should be completed and returned to reception. You need one form for each person registering and you will need to bring proof of address with you.
Once you are accepted as a patient, the local area team for NHS England will be notified and will arrange for your medical records to be sent from your old surgery to us. Please note that this process can take several weeks.
In the mean time, you will will be asked to complete a new patient questionnaire, allowing us to provide medical care in the interim period and you will be invited for a 'New Patient Check' with one of our Healthcare Assistants. Once the registration process is complete, you will receive a registration card from the Primary Care Trust with details of who you are registered with.
Please be aware that you must live in the Practice area to be able to register with us. If you move out of the practice area, you will need to register with a new practice as soon as you move. We can provide information about how to find a new practice.
If you have any queries or would like further information about registering with any GP Practice in the Braintree area please contact NHS England direct on 0300 0032125 or by email on Essex.signposting@nhs.net